Script Analysis & Development

If you have a screenplay that needs some polishing or further development...we can help.
The most important element of any film project is the screenplay. The foundation of the project.
The script  development phase is often neglected in studio and independent productions and is the top reason why many projects fail.
At CPG we provide attention and analysis to maximize and streamline your project's creative and commercial potential to investors.

As a master of film writing and script development, John is our in-house script consultant, or as we like to call him our "Script Doctor." With his years of expertise, he has worked with writers and producers evaluating their scripts and making them into a viable commodity to attract Film and TV financiers.
"They say if it ain't on the page...they're absolutely right. Some scripts just lay there with no life. It isn't a movie or teleplay, yet. Alfred Hitchcock use to call it stillborn. It needs nourishment. Because, it's either the writing or, logistically and financially not feasible. Sometimes you need a fresh perspective on it. I have a way of looking at the script and see if it needs to be streamlined or a total re-write so you get the maximum out of the story which, regardless, is the most important part of the process."
John has written for every aspect of media including Radio, TV, Off-Broadway, Documentary and Feature Film. He attended Long Island University at CW Post majoring in Writing and Film Production and is a graduate of The Center for Media Arts in New York majoring in Film/TV Production.  He's currently working on future projects for CPG.
"I read scripts. I fix scripts. That's what I do."